Wheelhouse provides a personalized cycling experience through a wide selection of cycling services. Our relationship with each user is critical in order to provide uniquely personal evolving information and motivation. Protecting our users' information, ensuring it is only used to the benefit of each user and that it remains in each user’s informed control, is our fundamental objective. We will not sell user data to any third-party.
Data related to each individual user is a fundamental requirement in order for Wheelhouse to provide our services, thereby allowing our users to pull personal information into and push data from each of our cycling solutions. We rely on user data to ensure our products are working properly and that improvements to the customer experience and additional services can be developed. We utilize personal data to allow our users to create and monitor physical fitness parameters that are entirely unique to their individual fitness levels. User data allows us to communicate effectively and provide customer service when help is requested.
This Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) explains the personal information we collect from you, either directly or indirectly, and how we will use it. Personal information is any information that can identify or locate you as an individual. The Policy will provide detailed information on what forms of personal data are collected, by what methods, and how they are used; furthermore, the Policy will provide information on the rights and methods you have to directly control your personal information so that you can make informed decisions how your data is used. This Policy applies to Wheelhouse products and services including: Wheelhouse mobile and tablet apps (Wheelhouse available on Google Play and the App Store), web sites (, the Wheelhouse platform, fitness products, group and individual cycling experiences (collectively referred to as “Services”) provided by 101263141 Saskatchewan Ltd. (henceforth referred to as “Wheelhouse”) with business address 1835 7th Ave, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4R 1B9.
The end user agreement is entered with Wheelhouse. Wheelhouse is the controller in respect of processing your personal data.
2.1 Information supplied by the user
Different users of the Services such as user, instructor, club admin or super admin will be asked of different information. To create an account for the use of our Services, you must provide us with certain personal data. Every instructor, club admin or super admin needs to provide us with name, e-mail address, club name and phone number to create an account. Every end user that wants to create an account needs to provide us with name and e-mail address to create an account. We will create an account accordingly and send such user a link to a website and an account name and password setup for such account.
You may also voluntarily register more information such as birthdate, gender, and weight. We also save information you voluntarily provide to us during your use of our Services or when contacting us for information or customer service support. Such information may include various physical fitness parameters (such as heart rate information), personal photo, social media profiles, display name, family situation, work hours, sleep hours, height, waist circumference, country of residence, gym/club locations. These data allow us to provide you with the customer service and customer experience you request of our Services.
2.2 Information collected automatically
We automatically collect data about you during your use of our Services, such as Functional Data and Additional Usage Data. These data may include information collected by Cookies or similar technology, location data by way of GPS data, IP address or individual product or Services reservation, browser type or pages you may have viewed on our websites and various physical fitness performance metrics associated with workout activity such as maximal heart rate, functional threshold power (FTP), power (WATTs), Cadence (RPM), Heart Rate (BPM), workout by date, workouts by duration and aggregated forms of these workout data.
2.3 Information provided by other sources
Information about you may be received from other sources involved in providing you Services either as partner providers or as third parties you have authorized to communicate with us such as social media platforms, physical activity tracking platforms and commercial fitness facilities. We protect personal data acquired from these other sources according to the information provided in the Policy as well as any other limitations imposed by the provider of the information.
2.4 Information of Children
You must be 16 years old to use the Services. If you are younger, you need your parent or guardian to accept our terms on your behalf. We do not knowingly acquire or retain user information for persons under the age of sixteen years without prior consent of the parent or guardian. If through notification by a parent, guardian or by way of another means it is found that a child’s information is improperly being retained, we will urgently discontinue the account in question and delete the personal data.
There are various forms of end users of our Services. You may sign up as a user, instructor, club admin or super admin (internal global admin).
There are many potential forms of interaction between a user, our company and our Services. In the following section we will provide categorized examples of personal data collected during various interactions. The following examples apply to all end users of our Services that have not chosen to use the Services anonymously.
3.1 User requesting information
You may choose to visit our websites to gain information, submit a question, request support or download information. During these interactions you may voluntarily provide information to us so that we may best serve you, we may collect data about you online as part of the interaction.
We may collect: Name, email address, IP address, geo-location, browser information and information provided by cookies or similar technology.
Why: We use this information to provide Services, information, news, product updates, location specific information and service level required to meet each customer’s needs. If you do not want us to collect such information, you may turn off cookies in your browser using the Services.
3.2 Using Wheelhouse Services
Wheelhouse Services are designed to be unique to each specific user and to allow for data transportation between devices and applications that use the data. For this reason, it is necessary for us to retain personal user data to allow our Services to use your information during your interactions. Our Services operate on many platforms such as: mobile apps, web applications, fitness products as well as group and individual cycling experiences. In order for these Services to provide the benefits for which they have been designed, we must acquire and retain your relevant personal data.
We may collect: Name, display name, email, password, phone number, geo-location, gender, date of birth and weight.
Why: This information is necessary to allow our Services to function as designed and to provide the customer experience expected by the user. This information is used to configure Wheelhouse Services to provide a personalized workout experience for each user and for the Services to store workout data and fitness levels in each user’s workout history. Users may choose not to provide this information which will significantly reduce the functions and personalization of the Services.
3.3 User Fitness Data
Our customized cycling Services are based on fitness level settings unique to each user, this information is used to set certain workout parameters that are specific to each user. During each workout session fitness data will be collected that is specific to the user and their fitness levels and accomplishments. This information is necessary to provide a fitness experience optimized to provide the fitness benefits you as a user want. In some instances, Wheelhouse Services will monitor these user fitness data over time, either within a single workout or over a period of many workouts. The Services may compare prior fitness level automatically or preset recorded values to show the user progress toward a fitness objective or specific fitness accomplishments achieved.
We may collect: Age, gender, birthdate, weight, maximal heart rate, functional threshold power (FTP), power (WATTs), Cadence (RPM), Heart Rate (BPM), family situation, work hours, sleep hours, height, waist circumference, workouts by date, workouts by duration and aggregated forms of these workout data.
Why: This information is necessary to provide the cycling and fitness workouts the customer has requested of our Services and are the basis of providing quantifiable and consistent data used to measure fitness progression over time and toward certain user defined goals.
3.4 User Location Data
Information that could identify the detailed location of a specific person is considered personal user data. There are two categories of location data within our Services that you should be aware of as your control over each will be different.
The first category is GPS data provided by a mobile device such as a smart phone running a fitness application or workout files from a fitness tracking device uploaded to the Wheelhouse website. These devices provide GPS data related to the route you traveled during the workout recorded on a specific time and date. Control of this GPS data is provided by the device being used, such as in the privacy settings of a smart phone where you give specific applications the right to use your mobile device location services. Similarly, your decision to allow a fitness tracking device to record your GPS data is within your control of the fitness device itself and within your choice to upload files containing GPS data to the Wheelhouse website for inclusion in your fitness workout records.
The second category of location data is a form of indirect location tracking. As a user of our Services you may choose to join a fitness club that offers group or individual Services. By making a reservation for Wheelhouse Services at a specific club location at a specific time, you are indicating that you will be at a specific location at a specific time and this user data is necessary for us to provide the Services you are requesting. The reservation you make could be for a group exercise class when you reserve a spot in the class or it may be when you sign-in with your user account password to a Wheelhouse product that is located at a known club location. In both cases our ability to provide Service is dependent on your choice to identify your location by reserving class space and/or signing in to a specific Wheelhouse product.
We may collect: GPS data provided by mobile applications such as the Wheelhouse App in the form of a .tcx, .gpx, .xml, files among others. Fitness club facility locations including club ID, specific location, product ID number identifying the specific product being used.
Why: This information is required for us to provide the Services you are requesting, be that a reservation to use a specific class and/or the ability to allow your specific user data to customize the cycling experience when using our Services.
3.5 Functional Data
Functional Data is necessary for Wheelhouse Services to provide the optimal user benefits for which they have been designed. It is possible to opt-out of these user data collection, sharing and/or processing and still enjoy a reduced functionality provided by our Services.
We will collect: User account information as: password (you will find more information about Password Security here), name, display name, email address, gender, birthdate, age, phone number, country, club location IDs, user fitness data, personal fitness device ID numbers, mobile application data including device platform and application version and IP address.
Why: We collect this data required to operate Services and return the functional data we need from each user experience to provide the fitness tracking results. Without collecting these data our Services cannot provide personal tracking, historical or other personalized experience.
3.6 Additional Usage Data
To continually improve our customer experience with Wheelhouse Services we collect the following additional usage data. This information allows us to provide users with an ever improving and personalized customer experience including the user interface, workout library, media content and suggested workouts, among others.
We may collect: We may store data related to your interactions with Wheelhouse Services such as the type of devices you use to interact with Services, your preferences related to workout activities, media content. These data cannot identify a person but may include aggregated information from all users of the Service.
Why: We use this information to continually improve the Wheelhouse product offering. Understanding user preferences, dislikes and habits helps to inform future improvements and developments in the Services we offer. Collecting and using this data is vital to our ability to improve the Services.
3.7 Notification Settings
We store the notification preferences for each user. Notification settings for our Services are managed within the user profile on our website(s). If so desired a user may choose to have information related to the account activities sent to them via email or SMS. If a user chooses not to receive these communications, the information will still be accessible within their online account for future reference as long as the user is registered as an active user or has an account to use the Services, see below regarding storage.
We may collect: A user’s data related to notification settings for such items as: workout summary emails, booking confirmation emails, FTP update emails, profile delivery status emails, SMS notifications.
Why: This user data related to communication preferences allows us to provide important account information via the methods most convenient to each user.
3.8 Social, Sharing and Third-party Applications
We provided sharing services to our users so that they may share their Wheelhouse activities with other users and via social media. User events such as; Activities, Live Activities, Bookings and Challenges may be shared with a user’s Wheelhouse friends, or the sharing may be disabled so that no event information is shared. Users may also choose to upload a photo to associate with their account profile which may be presented along with the information a user has opted to share with others. A user may also choose to link their Wheelhouse account with Facebook® to use those login credentials and to more easily share their Wheelhouse experience with other Facebook users. Users also have the option to transfer their workout and fitness data to other fitness tracking and analysis applications such as Strava®, Training Peaks® and StagesLink® (operated under license by Today’s Plan Pty Ltd,). Wheelhouse will store the user credentials for these third-party integrations at the user’s request. All sharing options can be controlled by the user be selecting the applicable options within the Privacy and APPS section of the Wheelhouse website.
We may collect: We will store the user preference settings for Wheelhouse sharing, personal image, Facebook and third-party fitness application integration settings including third-party account login credentials.
Why: This user data directs us how each of our users prefer to share or not to share their personal Wheelhouse activities, workout details, fitness data and events with other people and other applications.
3.9 Requesting support from Wheelhouse
When a user wishes to request support from Wheelhouse Services we may ask for certain user information to allow us to communicate and provide the support being requested. At a minimum we will request the following personal user data; requestor email address, region of the world and phone number. If the support request requires technical assistance we may request further user information related to the user Wheelhouse account, but we will NEVER ask a user for their Password (for more on our password policy see 7.1).
We may collect: We may store data related to feedback or support requests such as: email address, phone number, region of the world, user uploaded images or other information the user supplies and is necessary to provide the support requested by the user and to ensure we can recall prior support requests to provide continuity of service over time.
Why: This user data is necessary to provide the support requested by the user considering regional consideration for time zones, product distribution and to ensure we can recall prior support events regarding a user to provide continuity of service over time.
Wheelhouse uses the data we collect to provide you with the products and Services we offer, which includes using data to improve and personalize your experiences. We also use the data to communicate with you for example, informing about your account, new products or services available, security and other types of updates.
Wheelhouse uses the data for the following purposes:
Providing user experience
Providing customer support
Enabling product improvement
Providing Security, Safety and Dispute Resolution
Supporting Business Operations
Communications and Marketing
4.1 Providing user experience
We use data to provide our personalized Wheelhouse experience, to record and provide users with a record of progress toward their fitness goals, to improve our products and Services, to ensure our Services are operating properly and are necessary to ensure we are delivering the Services our users expect.
4.2 Providing customer support
We use data to respond to customer inquiries, diagnose Service problems and provide other customer care and support services. This processing is necessary for the performance of the agreement we may have with you.
4.3 Enabling Product Improvement
We continuously use data in the pursuit of improvement, new product innovation opportunities, security improvements and overall quality. Aggregated, regional and gender-based usage data provides valuable input utilized in determining new features and prioritization of development projects.
4.4 Providing Security, Safety and Dispute Resolution
We use data to protect the security and safety of Wheelhouse Services and our customers, both to fulfill our Terms of Service with you as a user. Additionally, we use data to detect and prevent fraud, to resolve disputes and enforce our agreements.
4.5 Providing Business Operations
We use data to develop aggregate analysis and business intelligence that enable us to operate, protect, make informed decisions, and report on the performance of our business and to fulfill our Terms of Service.
4.6 Communication and Marketing
We use the data we collect to deliver and personalize our communications with you. For example, we may contact you by email or other means of electronic communication to inform you about new Wheelhouse products or Services, or invite you to take part in a survey. This processing is based on your freely given consent. We may also contact you to inform you of security or software updates, update you on a support issue to fulfill our Terms of Service with you as a user, we also use cookies and similar technologies to provide the most relevant Wheelhouse Services information to you. For information about managing email subscriptions and communications, please refer to Right of The User.
Wheelhouse does not and will not sell our users’ personal data. We only disclose your data as described in the Policy. We may share user data with following types of third parties.
5.1 With whom we may share user data
Wheelhouse uses a variety of third-party vendors to carry out our Services like data centers, website management and hosting, and email communications management. Wheelhouse may also share your data with commercial fitness facilities that provide Wheelhouse Services to their members. In some cases, the Wheelhouse Services are integrated with the commercial fitness facilities operational and user account management. In these situations, user data may be exchanged to provide each user a seamless experience. Each commercial fitness facility will have their own privacy policy related to the personal data they share with us. If your preferred commercial fitness facility offers integration with Wheelhouse Services, please review their privacy policy. We only share your personal data as necessary to provide a product or Services you have requested or authorized and only with partners, vendors or agents working on our behalf for the purposes described in this Policy. In this case, your personal information will be shared with these partners, vendors or agents but only for performing services on behalf of Wheelhouse and in accordance with this Policy For questions about third-party vendors, please send an email to
5.2 Customer links to third-party services
Wheelhouse offers optional third-party data integrations that allow our users the ability to voluntarily share data with other service providers they may use. The data shared may be login credentials for example using Facebook to login to your Wheelhouse account, or the data may be related to workout summary results transferred to third-party fitness applications such as Strava® or TrainingPeaks®. We will only store data related to these third-party services when requested to do so by you. Each of these third-party services has their own data protection policy and you must contact them for specific details related to their data protection policies.
5.3 Sharing of aggregate data
From time to time Wheelhouse may share aggregated usage data and trends with our business partners, affiliates and agents. These aggregated data are anonymous and will not identify any individual users. These data are critical to our business development and product innovation allowing us to illustrate product value, trends that illustrate new customer preferences as well as regional differences that may influence our product offerings. For any questions related to or use of aggregated user data, please send an email to
5.4 Compelling Disclosure
When legally required, strictly necessary for the performance of the services or to protect our rights, or the rights of our affiliates or users, we disclose your personal information to law enforcement authorities, investigative organizations, our affiliates or in legal proceedings.
5.5 Sale or Merger
We may share your personal information in the event of a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of our assets. Of course, we shall notify you via email and/or a prominent notice on our website and inform you of your rights.
There are different legal bases that we rely on to use your personal information, namely:
6.1 Performance of a contract
The use of your personal information may be necessary to fulfill the agreement you have with us. For example, to register and maintain your account and to make sure that your Wheelhouse Services perform their basic functions in a secure way or to respond to your requests.
6.2 Consent
You may consent to certain uses of your personal information. We rely on consent to send you newsletters and notifications by email. If you wish to review and change your consents, you may do so in your privacy settings on your profile or by sending an email to: See the Your Rights section for more information.
7.1 Password
Wheelhouse stores user passwords using one-way hash, which means that it cannot be recovered (or disclosed) by anyone, including Wheelhouse, it can only be reset.
7.2 Security
Wheelhouse is committed to protecting the security of your personal information. However, while we take reasonable precautions to guard the personal information we collect, no security system is impenetrable.
While no Service is completely secure, Wheelhouse takes precautionary measures to help prevent information about you from loss, theft, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction. For example, we store the personal data you provide on computer systems that have limited access and that are in controlled facilities. We also ensure that our third-party data center vendor(s) provide appropriate security measures. Additionally, your data is protected with encryption, such as Transport Layer Security (TLS), during transition over the Internet.
You can only access your Wheelhouse account information and our Services through the use of an individual user login and password. To protect the confidentiality of personal information, you must keep your password confidential and not disclose it to any other person. Please notify us immediately if you believe your password has been misused. You should always log out and close your browser when you finish your session. Please note, we will never ask you to disclose your password in an unsolicited phone call or email.
7.3 Storage
Personal data collected by Wheelhouse may be stored and processed in Norway, or in any other country where Wheelhouse or its affiliates, subsidiaries or service providers are located or maintain facilities. Wheelhouse has put in place adequate mechanisms to protect personal information when it is transferred internationally, for example by using the Standard Contractual Clauses as approved by the European Commission.
We will delete all personal data within 12 months after the user has gone inactive or has deleted its account for using the Services if we are not obliged to store specific data for a longer period (such as payment details which must be stored according to local law for a minimum period).
7.4 Retention
Wheelhouse will retain your personal information for as long as we deem it necessary to enable you to use the website and to provide Services to you, to comply with applicable laws (including those regarding document retention), resolve disputes with any parties and otherwise as necessary to allow us to conduct our business. All personal information we retain will be subject to this Privacy Policy and our internal retention guidelines. If you have a question about a specific retention period for certain types of personal information we process about you, please send an email to
8.1 Your Rights
We want you to be in control of how your personal information is used by us. Subject to local law, you can do this in the following ways:
you can ask us for a copy of the personal information we hold about you;
you can inform us of any changes to your personal information, or if you want us to correct any of the personal information we hold about you;
in certain situations, you can ask us to erase, block or restrict the personal information we hold about you, or object to ways in which we are using your personal information; and
in certain situations, you can also ask us to send the personal information you have given us to a third-party.
Where we are using your personal information based on your consent, you are entitled to withdraw that consent at any time. Moreover, where we process your personal information based on legitimate interest or the public interest, you have the right to object at any time to that use of your personal information.
You can review and update your consents and their withdrawal in the privacy section of your user profile. You may also use the privacy section to verify the correctness of some of the information we have stored on you. For any additional questions or inquiries related to your personal information please email us at This email may also be used to withdraw consent or to object to our use of your personal information.
8.2 Notification Preferences
You can control which forms of notifications and emails you receive from There are several notification types for various events. We provide you with direct control to enable or disable these notifications. Each notification email will include a link to login into your Wheelhouse account to adjust your notification preferences, should you wish to change them.
Please note, regardless of your communication settings, we will continue to communicate with you regarding changes to terms and conditions, policy updates, Wheelhouse Product software updates, routine customer service messages such as information about, service interruptions, data breaches or other significant information about our Services such as discontinuation of support or safety issues.
A cookie is a small data file containing a string of characters that is sent to your computer when you visit a website. When you visit the website again, the cookie allows that site to recognize your browser. The length of time a cookie will stay on your computer or mobile device depends on whether it is a "persistent" or "session" cookie. Wheelhouse uses both types of cookies. Session cookies will only stay on your device until you stop browsing. Persistent cookies stay on your computer or mobile device until they expire or are deleted. We use the following types of cookies on our website.
Strictly necessary cookies. These cookies are essential for you to browse our website and use its features. Without these cookies, services like shopping baskets cannot be provided.
Performance cookies. These cookies collect information about how you use our websites. This data may be used to help optimize our website and make it easier for you to navigate.
Functional cookies. These cookies allow our websites to remember choices you make while browsing and personalize your experience. We may store your geographic location in a cookie for instance, to ensure that we show you the website relevant to your area.
Third-party cookies. Third-party cookies are those placed by websites and/or parties other than Wheelhouse. These cookies may be used on our website to improve our products or services or to help us provide more relevant advertising. These cookies are subject to the respective privacy policies for these external services, for example, Facebook Data Use Policy.
Analytics cookies. We use analytics cookies, like those offered by Google Analytics, to help us understand things like how long a visitor stays on our website, what pages they find most useful, and how they arrived at To learn more about Google Analytics and your data, visit this Google webpage.
9.1 How to control Cookie settings
Most web browsers allow you to control cookies through their settings preferences. However, if you limit the ability of websites to set cookies, you may impair your overall user experience, as it will no longer be personalized to you. Some browsers offer a “Do Not Track” (“DNT”) signal where you can indicate your preference regarding tracking and cross-site tracking. Although we do not currently employ technology that recognizes DNT signals, we will only process your personal data in accordance with this Policy. Below we have provided links to learn about how to control cookie settings on popular web browsers:
If you have any questions about the use of your personal information, please email
Wheelhouse may modify or update this Policy when necessary, to reflect customer feedback and changes in our Wheelhouse Services. Please review it regularly.
When we update this Policy, we will revise the 'Last Update' date at the top of the Policy. If there are material changes to the Policy or in how Wheelhouse uses your personal data, we will inform you either by posting a notice of such changes, prior to them taking place, or by directly sending you a notification. We encourage you to regularly review this Policy to learn more how Wheelhouse is using and protecting your information.